Family Essentials Food Pantry

In 2019 and 2020, almost 14 million U.S. households were uncertain of having enough food to meet the needs of their family.
Do you need food? Our food pantry is stocked with various types of non-perishable food items. Anyone with a need can access our food pantry. No pre-qualifications or paperwork required…read more
Counseling Center
In 2020, 52.9 million Americans experienced mental illness.
Whether you’re dealing with an issue like depression or anxiety, a problem in your marriage, or just looking for help with a specific situation in your life, we are here to help you…read more
College Transition
More than 50% of students of color who start college will not complete their studies and receive a degree.
One focus of Family Essentials Network Inc. is its college readiness preparation and education transition programs. Our experienced multilingual and ethnically diverse college coaches at Family Essentials Network are prepared to assist students where they are…
We are excited to announce that our second FESNINC College Success Transition Program cohort will launch on 7/29/2022! Submit your application by 6/30/2022 at 5:00 PM.
The program will prepare (at no cost to them) 25 students (all from disadvantaged communities) for their first year in college. We will teach them study skills, financial literacy, time management and so much more. We’ll even add a $250 book scholarship as well!
Technology Training

Mastering technology offers disadvantaged populations the opportunity to enhance academic skills and increase employability, with the goal of increasing their participation in the technology sector as employees and entrepreneurs, and not simply as consumers and users. …read more