Family Essentials Network, Inc. Food Pantry is a non-profit community service platform and a member agency of 2-1-1 Connecticut.
We provide food assistance to any individual or family in the Greater Hartford, Connecticut area with a need.

Small player, small town…big results!!!
During our first 3 years of operation, our Food Pantry has distributed over 10,000 food boxes to families in need! Please contact us if you have a need, or if you wish to donate non-perishable food items. You can also make a financial donation here.

Beginning in 2023, we now partner with Panera Bread to provide baked goods to families in need.

Midwest Food Bank has been a major supplier of food to our FESNNC Food Pantry. Each month, they provide us with thousands of food items that are sorted, packed and distributed to our families.

Our work has been generously supported through a grant from the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

Special thanks to the City of Hartford for supporting our work in 2021 and 2022.

The Prosperity Foundation has been our major sponsor from the beginning. We appreciate their generosity and consistent support for our work!